Jan 7, 2010

Freebie Lover

When you purchase fashion magazines on a regular basis, you are bound to come across a freebie. Marie Claire, Vogue and Harper’s are known to give away sunnies, hats, lip glosses, mascaras, travel bags and even shirts at times.

But I have to confess. Whenever I get my copy of magazine + freebie, I immediately stash the item in my bag and begin to flip through the pages as though totally disinterested. But secretly I can't wait to get home and test it out.

I have a crazy amount of mascaras which lay unloved in numerous draws, lip glosses stacked up and saved as "spares", and in particular, an unessential amount of travel bags which have been stashed in countless areas of my room (you know, just in case I need them for that day at the beach?).

I can't simply bring myself to throw these away. I mean yes of course I have thrown away the odd lipstick (that hideous colour was so not right). But I think it is time I stop holding these freebies captive, inhibiting them by the four corners of my room.

Why are they simply not good enough to actually be used in public? Why do I feel as though I will be laughed at because I actually made use of something that didn't come at a price? Even though I would use the very same product having bought it?

I guess I am seeking that approval that I can ditch my closeted freebie love affair and actually use my new sunnies (Marie Claire this month).

Hi my name is Cindy and I like stuff. Free Stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Everyboy are fine in Chile.
    Espero que estén bien también allá.

