So the other day I looked over at my bedside table and realised that I officially like to overload myself with reading material I almost never get to finish....
I have bought (and borrowed) several books over the last few months and have only finished hmmmm maybe two? - somehow the shiny colourful covers of practically any fashion magazine (starting from Vogue, Harper's, Marie Claire, UK Elle, US Vogue, Grazia and then the random extras) always throw me and after doing the once over (flipping through the pages cover to cover, folding corners of what I will go back and read) I place it on top of the pile to which now I look at and think "this has to change".
How do I pick reading material and then conquer one at a time? I have yet to master this technique and think perhaps I need to start a new strategy with magazines.... to pick one up and read an article, one at a time causes an overflow of anxiety (?!)... this might sound nonsensical and yes a little unearthly, but there is something about filtering all the fashion goss in one big hit and then slowly going back to feed the more literary part of my brain...
Oh and yes, the new book which I have started to read (at magazine intervals) is 'The Bell Jar' by Sylvia Plath - I am thoroughly intrigued by her life story and her style of writing has caused me to endure my new found love for novels (am generally drawn to non-fiction).... I now intend to finish this book in the very near future...so yes, I will be posting my review shortly after I do this.
Now where did I put that Vogue!